Thursday, July 8, 2010

What do you do?

I find myself having a hard time answering this question lately and it's something that seems to come up a lot, most recently when Yusaku and I met with pediatricians. This question is in reference to my job, something which I don't currently have. It's strange though, because as a teacher, I would normally be on summer vacation right now, so it hasn't really kicked in yet that I am no longer working. My automatic response is usually, of course, that I am a teacher. Even though I won't be going back in the fall and haven't yet decided when I will go back, I still feel that being a teacher is so much a part of who I am that it's hard for me to not give that answer. I am choosing to stay home and am looking forward to doing so, but I think it will be hard for me in the fall when school starts back up and I am not there.

Today, for a few hours at least, I had enough energy and motivation to go through/organize some of the teaching "stuff" that I brought home from my classroom and is now living in our basement. Doing this made me eager to be back in a classroom with kids. Maybe I can do some tutoring in the second half of next school year or sub part time. We shall see! :)  The organization process ended, however, when I ate lunch, which was then followed by my now daily nap, after which I decided I will continue organizing tomorrow.

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